Geek Apocalypse expands with Podcast against humanity!

one of the things I always wanted When I started this brand, website and podcast was for Geek Apocalypse to get better, improve and expand slowly and surely and to have that happen within the first year is just amazing!

To give you a little context into how this happened, I have known Drew since we became friends through going to play board games at Newcastle gamers , where we discovered amongst other things our love for the board game Lords of Waterdeep and generally our love for all things geeky! After contributing in being part of the Geek Apocalypse Podcast co host guys, for example when we went to the awesome Screencon and Drew got to meet mr rimmer aka Chris Barrie for the first time, he came to me with the idea of expanding the network with a show where guests come around a table and play the brilliant cards against humanity card game! Genius Idea! So that’s exactly what we have done!

It made me think of what I said in the first blog post about the idea of Geek Apocalypse way back at the start of last year:

‘The main focus of the Geek Apocalypse name is to develop a podcast where I have a conversaton with artists, performers, basicly curious interesting people about a variety of projects, and give as much time for them to answer without the annoyance of hitting bullet points or endlessly plugging events. the progress after is to make  a live podcast for an audience 6 times a year and to do variations of web videos for our YouTube channel. There will be other podcast presenters doing a variety of different shows and will be taking new presenters on as the website develops!’

to achieve that still within the first year of starting this is amazing, so I need to feel more grateful for that and realise what I am doing is worthwhile and it is making a difference.

So please do check out our awesome and funny new show @podcastagainsth here and subscribe to it so you can get the next episode as soon as its released! Episode 2 is hilarious as Drew goes back to essex to play the game with his brother and his old mates!

So please spread the word But mainly….enjoy being a geek!