Geek Apocalypse is one years old: sharing things is so much better


On march 27th 2013, after several months of working on the site and doing 5 podcasts in february to prepare,  Geek Apocalypse was born and released into the rich emerald mine of knowledge that is the internet. And now we have reached today, march 27th 2014 that it is our one year anniversary! 58 podcasts later, a live event, a live show and a convention later, I cant believe it is only being a year and I have so much to be thankful for.

I’m going to break my rule of being proud of myself, because I have thought about Geek Apocalypse alot. One of the things that often angers me is how easy people think it is to do what i do. to talk for an hour, to organise things and promote other people and run the site, It is a full time job. Anyone that listens to the shows especially early on would know I wasnt sure what i was doing , all I knew was that I wanted to be able to be passionate and interested in not only the topics that come up but guests that i cared about and was interested in. I always feel that way, every single day I get up, and I know its something I’m so pleased I have, but to be proud about the shows is because I feel as I have done them I have gotten better at being comfortable being a geek. Being myself. And nearly everyone  thats been on the show has said to me afterwards ‘that was fun I really enjoyed it’ . So in that sense I have done my job. One of the things I wanted to do was to have a podcast that felt safe, that showcased people in the north east that were talented and fun, and also to reach for people in geekdom who I admire and appreciate. So to be able to achieve that all in the first year is quite unbelievable.

as I said to Jane who is on the show next week, all you need to do to be on the show is to be alive, and be interested. And from my personal perspective being the host, interested in things and people. If you think about it  how easy should that be? be yourself and be interested, ultimately one of the reasons I made the podcast is to convince people that it is ok to talk about things you love and like publicly. There are so many people I met who are waiting for permission, rather than simply breaking down the doors to then think ‘fuck it, if i fail I’ll fail, but ill be myself and do something I generally want to do’. Thats so key to me, there are people who come on the show beforehand that arent sure it is for them, and find themselves saying ‘is that it can we do more?’ The thing is as well, I am no one special, I am just someone who is respectful enough to be genuinely interested and is willing to give people a chance. 

Ofcourse, on a purely basic level I got to meet some people I admired for a long time, I got to meet the whole cast of red dwarf, which was the show that my family watched together and began my love of all things geeky. I got to go to conventions and meet Andrew Hackard whos been on tabetop, and matt leacock who made some of my favourite games, I got to talk to producers, actors, artists, poets, musicians, comedians, entrepeneurs, which shows I do not have a rule in who can be on. As I said on the first blog I wrote about starting Geek Apocalypse, Geek is simply a term of being passionate and interested in whatever you love. Its not what you love its how you love it, and for whatever reason how we love things seems alien to me or half hearted. Look at how impersonal life is becoming, with so many posts over actually speaking to someone over the phone, or going to see someone. For whatever reason we do not feel its important or relevant anymore.

I am proud of what I’ve achieved, but simply I am a person that works hard, I spend more of my day frustrated and angry than feeling I have achieved anything, but I am always grateful for the opportunity to enjoy the things I enjoy, and share it with people i know, and even people I don’t. that’s the beauty of life, thats why its so enjoyable. Sharing is so much better than doing things on your own.

The thing that means so much more to me though, is the fact that I feel in my own small way that I am making a difference. We did a convention that was a huge success and I get families coming up to me telling me stories all the time about how playing games together matters and has brought their family together. I also have opened up about my battles with manic depression and have 100s of people open up to me about how difficult it is and how me telling my story makes them feel like they are not alone. because 99% of the time I feel chronically alone but if I can help the person thats sitting in their bedroom feeling no one cares, then that means so much to me. we all need help, its whether you can find someone thats willing to help you thats the problem. The thing that most upsets me is how nothing feels completely different, people are afraid of telling the truth, and are afraid of doing anything that really matters, so i will keep battling that, we need people, we need you, we need me hopefully and the only way we can do that is realising we need to work harder helping each other. So I hope by me telling the truth makes anyone realise that we can beat this, and you can do what you want to do if you really want it.

so after 100’s of thousands of downloads later, another podcast that we produce, an album recording, a convention, a team of people who have helped me along the way, i have so many people to thank. i wish to thank my good friend graham for building my site and doing all the posters for me, because without him i wouldn’t have a thing to promote, to all the co hosts i have had, Wayne, Robbie, Drew and James and to every single guest who has been willing to give them my time and opportunity to get to know them. I really appreciate it. to  the few friends that have supported me and encouraged me to do this, i love you, keep up the support! This podcast gives me the opportunity to speak to some of the most talented people I know, and if this becomes the only thing I do I will be the happiest man in the world doing something i love as a job. it really is that simple.

And to anyone that has took the time to listen to the shows, or come to the events, or emailed me when they didn’t have to, thank you, it means the world to me, Don’t anyone ever tell you you don’t mean anything and you cant make a difference.

your loving geek

Steven Hesse

p.s Ill be releasing the podcast with shamol begum today as treat being the 1 year anniversary! so please do have a listen when it comes out!





Geek Apocalypse expands with Podcast against humanity!

one of the things I always wanted When I started this brand, website and podcast was for Geek Apocalypse to get better, improve and expand slowly and surely and to have that happen within the first year is just amazing!

To give you a little context into how this happened, I have known Drew since we became friends through going to play board games at Newcastle gamers , where we discovered amongst other things our love for the board game Lords of Waterdeep and generally our love for all things geeky! After contributing in being part of the Geek Apocalypse Podcast co host guys, for example when we went to the awesome Screencon and Drew got to meet mr rimmer aka Chris Barrie for the first time, he came to me with the idea of expanding the network with a show where guests come around a table and play the brilliant cards against humanity card game! Genius Idea! So that’s exactly what we have done!

It made me think of what I said in the first blog post about the idea of Geek Apocalypse way back at the start of last year:

‘The main focus of the Geek Apocalypse name is to develop a podcast where I have a conversaton with artists, performers, basicly curious interesting people about a variety of projects, and give as much time for them to answer without the annoyance of hitting bullet points or endlessly plugging events. the progress after is to make  a live podcast for an audience 6 times a year and to do variations of web videos for our YouTube channel. There will be other podcast presenters doing a variety of different shows and will be taking new presenters on as the website develops!’

to achieve that still within the first year of starting this is amazing, so I need to feel more grateful for that and realise what I am doing is worthwhile and it is making a difference.

So please do check out our awesome and funny new show @podcastagainsth here and subscribe to it so you can get the next episode as soon as its released! Episode 2 is hilarious as Drew goes back to essex to play the game with his brother and his old mates!

So please spread the word But mainly….enjoy being a geek!





Merry Christmas from Geek Apocalypse

So its another Christmas! As I sit down after another dose of lovely Christmas dinner at my sisters, surrounded by people I care for and love, I sincerely hope you are having a lovely Christmas day figuring out something to do before doctor who comes on! I mean…..what else is christmas for?? *phone rings* hello? what do you mean giving gifts? wheres your whovian spirit!


this was the sight early in the morning of my nephew Sam’s new present , notice the two adults in the frame? sure this present is just for my 6 year old nephew?



the table, pretty awesome thanks sis!



My family eating said meal,the one ordering people around is my nephew 😛


So on behalf of everyone associated With Geek Apocalypse, from contributors to co hosts, web helpers and I’m sure everyone whose been a guest on our show, can I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas! As I say in my show, I hope the festive holiday finds you enjoying being a geek even more than usual 🙂

may the geek be with you…always! Merry Xmas!




p.s the next episode of geek apocalypse podcast with be released on the 28th with Andrew Hackard, due to itunes needing its beauty sleep this week!


Episode 46 Geek Apocalypse podcast with Kirsten Murray Borbjerg!

We recorded a Fun extended Podcast this week with the lovely Kirsten Murray Borbjerg! We talk Comic books, youth work, her danish heritage, english characteristics, big bang theory,being a geek and much more! really lovely women! We also meantion at the end my bike accident that she was unfortunately witness too, but as we say, everything has a silver lining! Wow ….such a hippy! Tis available on itunes and

Kirsten also meantioned a rather scary doll she owns so here a picture of the doll we were referring to

doll kirsten

think you’ll agree, pretty scary!

Couple of things I need to meantion, the next podcast is with the Brilliant Andrew Hackard that I have already recorded, but itunes are taking a break so it will be released on the 28th rather than christmas day as originally planned! boo hoo mr itunes! Its an epicly fun podcast though so can’t wait for you to hear it!

Our new web series has a twitter account @failureseries and as always you can follow us @geek_apocalypse

so until I speak again! Merry Christmas my fellow geeks! 🙂

twitter account for web series!

For those that don’t know, Geek Apocalypse is currently in the process of making a brand new web series called Looking forward to failure that will be kickstarted early next year! I will write a bigger blog post about how the idea came about in the future and i do hope it goes the way I want it to! aka getting it made but thats kinda obvious!

So if that sounds like fun please do follow the account @failureseries and I will try to update it as often as I can! In the meantime heres is a video blog I did talking about the web series and other fun things we are up to!

Steven on today!

ne1 fm logo

Steven will be on regional radio station in Newcastle as a guest for Mark and Vivs show at 1pm where he will be revealing loads of exclusive upcoming content for Geek Apocalypse! So if your in the Newcastle area please have a listen or listen online here:

Enjoy being a  geek!